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Writer's pictureDr. Wes Moore

Pedophilia, Prostitution, and Polygamy: The Next Goals of the Homosexual Movement

LGBTQ Clown with Evil Face

Most people have absolutely no idea what homosexual activists are up to. But the plans they are implementing, if made known, would shock nearly every American. 

What's worse, these goals have been in place for decades and have been public knowledge all along.

More than 50 years ago, dozens of homosexual activists and organizations gathered in Chicago to establish goals for remaking the sexual, marital, and legal landscape of America. The results of that meeting were written down in a document that would become known as the "1972 Gay Rights Platform."

Let us take a look at the astonishingly perverse goals set forth in this document, goals that are being pursued and implemented at this very moment.

The Next Goals of the Homosexual Movement

The Platform's Stated Goals

All told, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform laid out seventeen goals for the alternation of U.S. law, nine related to federal and eight for state. All of the goals are twisted, but the most perverse appeared in the state law section. Here are four of the most important ones, word-for-word:

3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.

6. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing.

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.

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The Meaning of Each Goal

3) Legalized prostitution. The words "solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons" and "prostitution" mean the same thing. Arrests for seeking a prostitute are often referred to as "solicitation."

Image of Maine governor decriminalizing prostitution

In 2023, the governor of Maine signed a law making it legal to engage in prostitution. The article applauds the move and offers no criticism of any kind or any discussion of the negative consequences of the practice. Read full article here.

Per this goal, homosexuals are striving to make prostitution a legal occupation, and using a prostitute as normal as going to the hairdresser. Also, be sure to note that homosexual prostitution is clearly identified here, as well (both "male and female").

Image of Oregon governor vetoing prostitution research funding

In 2023, the governor of Oregon vetoed $600,000 in funding to research laws criminalizing prostitution. Activists lamented this decision and continue to push this agenda. Read full article here.

6) Legalized transvestism. It should be perfectly legal for a man to dress up as a woman or a woman to dress up as a man, according to these activists. Drag queens are normal, in their view. This goal is the springboard for the entire assault on gender that is well underway in the nation today.

Also note the term used to describe what this is, transvestism. This is a dirty word to them today, just like calling someone homosexual instead of gay. The strategy is to redefine transvestism so it will sound less offensive and will not be associated with what it truly is—men, who know they are men, dressing like women. Instead, they want to be referred to as "transgenders."

7) Legalized pedophilia. Goal 7 targets age of consent laws. Age of consent laws prevent adults from taking advantage of children sexually. The legal age to have sex in the U.S. ranges from 16 to 18 years old depending on the state, but every state (to this point) has such laws to protect children.

Wes Moore's Book

When someone has a desire to have sex with children (those under the legal age of consent), it is called "pedophilia" and is considered one of the worst crimes a person could commit. So, when activists identify the removal of age of consent laws as a goal, they are directly stating their intention to make it legal for adults to have sex with children, i.e., the legalization of pedophilia.[1]

Here again, the terms are being altered. Labels like "minor-attracted person" and "hebephile" (a person who is sexually attracted to a boy or girl just entering puberty, typically ages 11 to 13) are now used instead of pedophile when discussing these kinds of people.

A 2022 study by Jahnke, Blagden, and Hill entitled, "Pedophile, Child Lover, or Minor-Attracted Person? Attitudes Toward Labels Among People Who are Sexually Attracted to Children," suggested that sexual attraction to 11- to 13-year-olds is somehow not as evil as sexual attraction to children under 10 [2]:

Although “pedophilia” in a strict sense only denotes a sexual attraction to prepubescent children, it is often used synonymously with offending behavior in the media...and the scientific literature... This may explain why public reactions tend to be more punitive when the “pedophile” label is used (as opposed to “people with a sexual interest in children”). [emphasis added]

The authors seem to think it is inappropriate to think of sex with an 11-year-old as worse than sex with an 8-year-old (a prepubescent vs a pubescent child). In fact, if your attraction is to an 11- to 13-year old, this is not even "offending behavior."

These are the kind of outlandish arguments and intellectual distinctions that are made in order to eventually justify lowering the age of consent to children entering puberty. The same approach and logic can then be used to lower it even further.

In the very next paragraph, and in the very same context, the study even discusses reclaiming the term pedophile:

There is some evidence that by reclaiming and reframing devalued labels, social groups can challenge previously stigmatized labels and protect their self-esteem...

Deliberately reclaiming a label can infuse the label with positive connotations, foster a sense of agency and collective self-esteem, and limit the power of a majority group to use the label as a weapon against a member of the stigmatized group. [emphasis added]

Pay careful attention to what is being said here. The strategy is to take the term pedophile and give it a positive spin so that pedophiles can feel empowered, have self-esteem, and protect themselves from people who would dislike them for wanting to have sex with children. 

This is total and absolute insanity.

8) Legalized homosexual marriage and polygamy. Goal eight seeks to eliminate restrictions on the sex of people who get married and the number of people who can get married in a single unit. The first is quite clearly a legalization of homosexual marriage, which has already been accomplished.

The second is a legalization of polygamy. Polygamy is when one man marries multiple women or vice versa. So, when you want to change the laws regarding the number of people who can get married, you are very clearly trying to legalize polygamy.

Polyamory article from CNN

Liberal news outlets and LGBTQ+ activists push polyamory in America and will eventually lobby for the legalization of polygamous marriages, in keeping with the 1972 Gay Rights Platform.

Note here as well that activists are introducing more new terms. Today, they don't talk about polygamy (because it rightly has astigmatism attached to it), so they talk about "polyamory." In polyamory, people are involved in multiple romantic and sexual relationships with different people at the same time.

While this may not be marriage, per se, it accurately represents what homosexual activists want—the freedom to have sex with anyone, anytime, regardless of sex, age, relationship, or any other boundary. Moreover, it is clearly an attempt to move towards polygamy as a legal right.

Critical Lessons for Believers

What lessons can we draw from this moving forward? At least four.

  1. Homosexual activists have had a plan for 50 years and are carrying it out step by step. They want us to believe all they want is the next little thing, but they have a vast, perverse, destructive agenda they are aggressively carrying out right under our noses.

  2. Christian pastors and church leaders have been completely derelict in their duty on this issue. In almost 30 years in the church, I have never heard anyone—and I mean anyone—in any church I have ever visited or attended (but myself) speak of this document or these agenda items. This is a reckless and criminal neglect of the responsibility of Christ's shepherds, one that will demand a severe reckoning on the Day of Judgment.

  3. A big part of their strategy is the altering of terms and the introduction of radical ideas little by little. These people have a well-thought-out plan. They change words and then redefine the ideas behind those words to hide what they are really doing. And when it comes time to advance the agenda, they only attempt a small advance at a time.

  4. They are not done yet, not even close. You may think that homosexual marriage or transvestism is the most extreme thing they will ever try, but, as has been shown, their goals extend to prostitution, polygamy, and pedophilia. Do not allow yourself to be lulled into sleep; you must be stirred into action.

Action Items for Believers

What do we do, then, with this knowledge? Here are several recommendations:

  1. Repent of your own sexual sin and purify yourself sexually before Christ. Before we can call out anyone else, we must clean up our own house.

  2. Recognize that you are in a real war with homosexual activists, one you are losing. We will not do what is required unless we first see ourselves in a life and death struggle for righteousness.

  3. Teach your church and family about these goals. Do not allow the people of God to be in the dark anymore on this issue. Those of you who have not talked about it (pastors, fathers), repent of this sin.

  4. Work against this agenda wherever you can, including not voting for those who support it. The Democrat party fully promotes this agenda and, by and large, the Republican party does not. Therefore, Christians cannot vote for Democrats. If they do, they directly strengthen the hand of evildoers (Jer. 23:14) and sin against God [3].


*Please use these in your preaching and teaching ministry.

  • See the full list of goals at Baptist Press here or at LGBTQ Archives here.

  • Download the original platform typed document below.

  • Books to read to learn more about the homosexual agenda [4]

    • The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today, by Alan Sears and Craig Osten, Amazon.

    • The Gay Gospel: How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread the Bible, by Joe Dallas, Amazon.


[1] Activists could argue that the statements made in this document do not extend to the extremes we fear they could. But this is not valid on at least two grounds.

First, their actions and success over the last 50 years show these words mean exactly what they say they mean.

Second, even if the original participants in the Gay Rights Platform did not mean pedophilia when they penned goal 7, for example, the tendency among human beings, particularly groups this wicked, is to take the rule to its logical and most extreme conclusion. In this case, this is sex with children of any age.

[2] "Pedophile, Child Lover, or Minor-Attracted Person? Attitudes Toward Labels Among People Who are Sexually Attracted to Children," 2022, by Sara Jahnke, Nicholas Blagden, and Laura Hill.

[3] This is not to say that the Republican party is a righteous party, or that Republican candidates always stand for righteousness. Neither of these is true.

What it means is that we're at a place where we have to choose the least of the evils to protect ourselves and the culture at large from the actions of the most extreme group.

There is no question that today (at the time of this writing), the group that is the most dangerous to the nation and believers is the Democrat party. Therefore, a believer should never vote for a Democrat candidate.

[4] Neither Prophet Scholar nor Dr. Moore make anything on the resources linked here or anywhere else on this site. These are completely for the benefit of site visitors.

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