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Content Selection

Dr. Wes Moore
Feb 1
9 Reasons God Does Not Appear to Us
Discover 9 compelling reasons God does not appear to us in Dr. Moore's powerful video. Why don't I see God? Find out today!

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 30
Could life start in a Primordial Soup?
Could life start in a Primordial Soup? Evolutionists tell us life started in a pool of chemicals on land or deep in the ocean. But is...

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 25
A Pastor’s Guide to Reviving a Baptist Church
Discover a unique, 6-step process for reviving a Baptist church. Dr. Moore summarizes that process in this helpful pastor's guide. Watch now

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 23
Reviving a Dying Baptist Church: A Pastor’s Guide
You pastor a Baptist church, and your church is dying. You’ve tried all the things the denomination has recommended, been through all...

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 23
Is Congregational Voting Biblical? A scholarly analysis of the biblical evidence
The vast majority of Baptist congregations today make widespread use of congregational voting in the decision making process of the local...

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 23
The Great Salt Lake Park Teaches the Bible Is Not True
Discover how the Great Salt Lake teaches the Bible is not true by promoting evolution. Dr. Moore explains in this video!

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 20
Can we not say God destroyed a city for its sin?
Explore if God uses floods, fires, disease, and war to destroy cities for their sin. Dr. Moore's video study surveys the Bible to reveal a s

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 18
3 Questions to Confuse the Evolutionist (plus "Fuzzy Words")
Explore 3 questions to confuse an evolutionist and uncover the "fuzzy words" they use. Learn how to challenge evolutionists effectively toda

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 14
What Trump's Election Does (and Doesn't Do) for the Church
In this video, Dr. Moore and Mike Riddle discuss the positives and negatives of Donald Trump's reelection.

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 14
Dinosaurs and the Bible: What's the deal?
Dinosaurs and the Bible: What's the deal? Why doesn't the Bible mention dinosaurs—or does it? Did God create them? Were they on Noah's...

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 13
Most Christian families are idol-worshipping pagans, and know it not
Christian parents follow the world and lead themselves and their children into patent idolatry.

Dr. Wes Moore
Jan 11
Why a 6-Day Creation is Key to the Gospel
Why a 6-Day Creation is Key to the Gospel Does is really matter if God created in 6-days or millions of years? Mike Riddle explains why a...
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